Monday, April 25, 2011

Beginnings and About Me

Hello, my name is Kathryn and I have Asperger's

Asperger's is a higher functioning, mild form of Autism. Autism can range from being low-functioning and not able to function normally in society, to high-functioning and being able to function normally in society.

I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 11 years old. Now as you know, people with Asperger's have the genius skills of Autism, but have social difficulties in life. Now at 17 turning 18 in July, I have become much better socially. I have a few good friends that I connect to, a loving boyfriend of 2 years, 3 months who helps explain things to me. I am also one year away from going on to Post-Secondary (I am taking an extra year for credits and and creating a better average for me). I am in Co-op currently doing a stint of teaching Special Education to Elementary School aged children.

I am also in the process of writing a book. I don't have a word of it on the computer though. All my writing is on paper with a pen as the writing tool. Eventually when I feel a sense of completion, I'll put it on the computer and fix it up as best as I can. I have met two famous people who are on the Autism Spectrum and they are Temple Grandin and John Elder Robison. With Temple Grandin, I went to a screening of the HBO film starring Claire Danes at the Autism Symposium 2010 in Toronto and I got a book "Thinking in Pictures" signed by her. With John Elder Robison, I went to one of his talks at the Royal Ontario Museum and got his newest book "Be Different" signed by him too.

With my blog, I hope to provide another perspective on Asperger's and Autism. I am also learning more about it myself and as a High-School student, I am not an expert on others, but I am an expert on myself.

Now, without further deliberations, I will publish this post :)

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